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Open Monday - Friday 8am-4pm (term-time only)

Beyond the Classroom

Awards, Achievements and Extra Curricular Opportunities

As a school, we have received a variety of awards. We have been both the Daventry District and Northamptonshire County Primary Sports School of the Year in recent years and we currently have a distinction award for PE and sport. We have earned the Schools Games Gold Mark for four consecutive years in recognition of our commitment to PE and School Sport. We complete in the year 5/6 and the year 3/4 Dancing Schools UK competitions, giving children the opportunity to perform on the big stage at the Derngate and Deco Theatres in Northampton. We also take part in the annual Rotary Club concert at the Castle Theatre. These are just a few examples of the wide range of extracurricular opportunities we offer to the children here at Overstone. We believe that the more experiences pupils have, the more talents and interests they will discover and develop. These activities enrich the children's primary school experience.

Educational Visits

During your child's time at Overstone Primary School they will have the opportunity to take part in many educational visits. Listed below are a few examples.               


  • Walk round the village
  • Visit to the church
  • Visit the village post office
  • A topic related trip

Years 1 and 2

  • Topic related trip, eg Sea Life Centre, London Zoo
  • Visits within the local area

Years 3 and 4 

  • Visit the church - RE
  • Topic related trip, eg Roman Museum
  • Residential visits – Whitemoor Lakes/PGL
  • Historical and geographical features of the local area

Years 5 and 6 

  • Hindu temple and Gospel Hall – RE
  • Topic related trip, eg Abington Museum
  • Residential visits – Whitemoor Lakes/PGL

 Peripatetic Music

In addition to our curricular music lessons and our extracurricular school clubs such as choir, instrumental lessons are supplied to Overstone Primary School through the Northamptonshire Music Service at a cost to parents. The instrumental lessons are arranged according to the interest expressed by pupils.

We also take part in the Northamptonshire Music Service’s First Access Project. Here, a whole class of pupils is taught an instrument, free of charge, for a period of 10 weeks. Through the project, many of them develop a love of music and they often continue with the instrument they have learnt. These have included ukuleles, recorders and samba drums.

Every child has something that they enjoy and can do well at. Here at Overstone, we believe that giving children opportunities to experience a wide variety of activities will ensure that they will find the things that they enjoy and excel in. They will also make some great memories!