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Open Monday - Friday 8am-4pm (term-time only)

Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception)

Overstone has a captivating, purpose built classroom for 30 children, which extends outdoors into a secure, partially covered area.


Welcome to Reception!

We are the youngest members of our school community and learn through our play.  Our learning is practical, fun and promotes our independence.  We are lucky to have both an indoor and outdoor classroom in reception class.  Our outdoor classroom is partially covered which means we can learn outside all year through!

We learn through a creative, exciting curriculum exploring varying topics, themed weeks, projects, and excursions to places such as the local church.  We also enjoy visits from local community services such as the Moulton fire brigade and the police.

Our curriculum is split into 3 prime areas and then a further 4 specific areas:

Personal, social and emotional development

Physical Development

Communication and language




Understanding of the world

Expressive arts and design

When starting in Reception, Mrs Stevens and the Overstone team will invite you for an information evening which will help you get to know us, explain a bit more about our curriculum and let you know what a day in reception might look like.  You can visit the classroom and ask any questions you might have.  This starts a strong home/school partnership.

In the first week of term of the school year, Mrs Stevens and Mrs Roberts will visit you in your home environment. This is to help everyone to get to know each other and address any worries or questions you might have before the first day of school.  We then attend school part-time for the first week (8.35am - 1.15pm) and then for the rest of the term and from then on we attend full time (8.35am - 3.15pm).

In Reception we use an online learning journal called ‘Tapestry’.  We love putting our achievements from school on tapestry to share with our adults at home and encourage our adults to contribute to it with our achievements at home.  Tapestry is used to give regular updates of our progress and helps adults at home to know what we have been learning in class and about whole school events.  Visit the Tapestry Website  

We follow Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc; a progressive phonic scheme which encourages us to become confident, competent readers and writers.  For more information on Read Write Inc. click here.  We use Kinetic Letters to help us form our letters but also helps us build our core strength and fine motor skills, so we are ready for writing.  Alongside Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc. and Kinetic Letters we also follow Pie Corbett’s Talk for Writing. Please click here for more details.

Don’t worry, our curriculum evening which happens not long after we start the school year, should explain everything you need to know! 

We work together throughout the reception year, to ensure we have an exciting, fun, purposeful start to Overstone Primary School creating a love for learning.