Our extra-curricular activities we have on offer at various times throughout the year are:
- Breakfast Club - Monday to Friday 7.45am - 8.35am (fees)
- Bookings to be made in advance via ParentPay.
- Breakfast served between 7.45-8.20am
- RD OUT of SCHOOL CARE is an independent company and operates within the school premises, (term time only) Monday to Friday from 3.15pm up until 6pm. (fees)
- Bookings/payments and enquiries to be made direct to Sue Dillon by mobile 07399625331 or by email rdoutofschoolcare@gmail.com
- Hot Dinner is served at 4.30pm
- Choir - Monday after school until 4.15pm (Yrs 3-6)
- Gymnastics - Monday 3.15-4.30pm with Pacesetter Sports (Yrs R-4) (fees) www.pacesetteronline.co.uk
- Guitar lessons - Tuesday mornings 8.20am with NMPAT (fees) tbc
- Ball Sports - Tuesday after school 3.15-4.30pm with www.pacesetteronline.co.uk (Yrs 3-6) (fees)
- Boosters - Preparation for SATs (Yr6) Spring Term
- Football - Wednesday morning 8am with Freestyle Soccer Academy (Yrs 3 -6) (fees) https://freestylegroup.co.uk/homepage/
- Performing Arts - Wednesday after school 3.20-5.00pm (Yrs 1-6) (fees) https://freestylegroup.co.uk/homepage/
- Dodgeball - Thursday morning 8am with Freestyle (Yrs 2-6) (fees) https://freestylegroup.co.uk/homepage/
- Sports Club - Thursday after school until 4.20pm (year groups tbc)
- Yoga - Karma Kids - Friday after school until 4.15pm (fees) https://karmakidsyogatherapy.com